Knowledge is ability!
The ignorant will go home on the day of sedition.
The world is the beacon of society and the eyes of the world.
By reviewing the history of human society, we find that great scholars and scientists have been trained in the school of poverty and misery, which is considered as a source of honor and dignity of human society today. I would not exaggerate if I say that most of the elders and pioneers of science were the children of poverty. History has written about the circumstances of Haj Mirza Mehdi Naraghi: There was no light and he was going to use the lights that were in other parts of the school and no one was aware of his condition. He did not open the letterhead and did not read it, and for fear that they might write something that would divide his senses and prevent him from studying, he would leave all the letters closed under the carpet. It has been said about the late Agha Hossein Khansari: During his studies; It was a hard and cold winter for me, I had no means of warming up, I just had an old quilt that I covered on my body and I moved around the room and walked to get some warmth and to be safe from the cold. This noble world, in the end, continued his education with poverty and hardship, and with this hard work and perseverance, until in a short time, he became one of the great scholars and thinkers of his time. Tired and disappointed, and most scholars and scientists have always relied on God and attention to divine blessings, the difficult path of learning science and gaining knowledge. These cold and icy economic days are passing and the dark and dark nights are being replaced by the bright and dawn horizon of dawn; will give. Razi Institute of Higher Education has provided the ground for education and science education of dear youth in medical fields, which is a necessity for learning today and tomorrow in the society of Afghanistan. Undoubtedly, medical graduates can manage their lives independently and become entrepreneurs, which most other disciplines will not have. In the current situation and according to Islamic law, the only field of study that is compatible with the dignity and authority of a housewife will be to study medical sciences because she can easily and with full respect for her dignity and authority remove poverty from her life and family economy. Manage it properly. Therefore, apparent problems should not deprive our youth of studying science and knowledge, which is in fact the key to their superiority and victory; Rather, it demands that by relying on God Almighty and with the intention of serving the people and society at the height of the economic crisis, with iron determination and determination, he take long and graceful steps in the path of studying science and knowledge, because knowledge is ability.
Board of Directors of Razi Higher Education Institute

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